Microbial life on glaciers and the formation of cryoconite


Research question

Glaciers, often perceived as pristine white landscapes, harbor diverse microbial communities and are influenced by sediment deposition throughout wind, snow and rainfall. Cryoconite granules, aggregates of microbes and deposits bound by exopolymeric substances (EPS) are structures found on glaciers. However, the processes involved in cryoconite aggregation remain poorly understood. My masters thesis aims to investigate the mechanisms underlying its aggregation, focusing on cryoconite on the glacier Foxfonna on Svalbard over the course of a year.


Project description

The aim of this project is to understand the formation of cryoconite in a year long perspective. Several times per year sediment samples of glacier debris and cryoconite are collected for further analysis.


The project involves:

The student will join the Master Thesis field work and assist in the field. Depending when you join tasks can be to collect sediment on Foxfonna, in the run out of Foxfonna or helping finding marbles and playing with frisbees on upper Foxfonna. As usual polar bear watch is a part of field work.


Starting date/period: Sep 1st 2023



Fieldwork, roughly once a week but strongly weather dependent


Experience/skills to be acquired

The student will experience the fun and obstacles of having experiments and sampling going on in the Arctic especially on glaciers.



Able to carry and handle a rifle. Fun in the field and hiking. If the joy of winter comes early this year some basic fjellski knowledge would be great.


Interested in this project or need more info? Contact:

Lea A. Kneissle (107191@student.unis.no)

Project number: 33




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