Minerotrophic fen in Adventdalen, Svalbard dominated by the moss species Bryum chryophyllum. By Lennart Nilsen.
The aim of this project is to process and identify bryophytes and lichens which were sampled along the West coast of Spitsbergen.
Project description:
Bryophytes and lichens dominate the vegetation in wide areas of the Arctic. Especially on Svalbard where dwarf shrubs are scarce, bryophytes form a dominant component of the vegetation. However, as yet we have limited knowledge about the distribution of bryophytes and lichens on Svalbard.
The student will assist with processing bryophyte and lichen samples in the lab. This work will include everything from pressing specimens and preparing vouchers. The student will also be involved in and gain first insights into bryophyte and lichen identification. If time allows, there is a need for entering data after the lab work is finished. The project work require the ability to work preciously and pay attention to small details.
The project involves:
Lab work
Starting date/period:
Possible from Jan 15th – March 1th and from May 15th to June 15th
Experience/skills to be acquired:
The student will gain some knowledge on lichen and bryophyte species identification as well as how to prepare herbarium vouchers.
Flexible (max 40h). It is recommended to work at least 7 h/day when being in the lab.
Interested by this project? Need more info? Contact:
Simone Lang
Project number: 6